Vlad Ghitavlad-ghita

Vlad has been a Github user since 30 September 2010 and has released 12 extensions.

Extensions (12) Sort by Last updated Most popular Name

Field : Duration1.4r

A field that stores duration.


Provides various assets for Symphony backend.

Sections event2.3.3r

Offers one event to rule all Sections.

Multiple uploads1.0.0r

Multiple file uploads straight in Sections.

Entry nav1.0.0r

Fast navigation between entries on Publish single pages.


Convert plain checkboxes to enhanced Bootstrap Switchers.

Field: URL1.0.2r

Specialized field for URL.

Field: Multilingual URL1.0r

The multilingual version of the URL field.

Multilingual Entry URL1.5r

The multilingual version of the Entry URL field.

Pretty Photo1.0.1r

Adds Pretty Photo to Symphony admin.

Select Box Link Field Combo1.2r

It allows creation of chained selects in Admin.

Language: Romanian1.1r

Romanian translation for Symphony CMS Admin