1.3releasedImage Focus Field

A Symphony CMS extension that works with the Media Library field to create a position picker tool with visualisation.

Clone URLhttps://github.com/pixelninja/image_focus_field.git

Add as a submodulegit submodule add https://github.com/pixelninja/image_focus_field.git extensions/image_focus_field --recursive




Image Focus Field

Version 1.0 Requirements: Media Library

What does this extension do?

A new field called Image Focus Field is added to the section editor, where existing Media Library fields can be attached. On the entry editor, the image attached in the Media Library will be displayed within the Image Focus field and allows the person editing to click on the image and select the focal point. This position is then visualised within the 3 other smaller images located beside the main image within the Main column or underneath the main image within the Secondary column.

Version history

Requires Symphony 2.7.x

  • add imagesLoaded before checking for image coordinates to ensure width/height is returned

Requires Symphony 2.7.x

  • Check if the image selected exists, and return a message if it can't instead of showing broken image source

Requires Symphony 2.7.x

  • Add a check to ensure only images are displayed

Requires Symphony 2.7.x

  • Initial Public Release