1.0.2releasedDynamic Event Redirect

Smarter form redirects.

Clone URLhttps://github.com/symphonists/dynamic_event_redirect.git

Add as a submodulegit submodule add https://github.com/symphonists/dynamic_event_redirect.git extensions/dynamic_event_redirect --recursive


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Dynamic Event Redirect


Adds an event and an event filter that allows you to build up a combination of both URL and GET parameters from POST data to append to your form redirects.


Standlone Event

  1. Attach the 'Dynamic Event Redirection' event to your desired page.
  2. Add any combination of the options listed below:

Event Filter

  1. Attach the 'Dynamic Event Redirection' filter to your desired event.
  2. Add any combination of the options listed below:


URL Parameters

To use URL parameters in your redirect output, you need to add a hidden input field to your form with the name der-url-params and set its value as a / seperated list of parameters you wish to include. Like so:

    <input type="text" name="category" value="books-and-magazines"/>
    <input type="text" name="book-id" value="1234"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="der-url-params" value="category/book-id"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="http://amazon.com/"/>

The example above would result in the following URL: http://amazon.com/books-and-magazines/1234/. If a parameter isn't set in the POST data its key (i.e., category in the example above) will be used in its place.

GET Parameters

You can use GET parameters with or without URL parameters. The usage is pretty much the same: add a hidden input field to your form that has the name der-params and set its value to a comma separated list of parameters you wish to include. Like so:

    <input type="text" name="category" value="books-and-magazines"/>
    <input type="text" name="book-id" value="1234"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="der-get-params" value="category,book-id"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="http://amazon.com/"/>

The would result in the user being redirected to: http://amazon.com/?category=books-and-magazines&book-id=1234.

Things to note

  • You'll need to specify a redirect URL, else the filter won't do anything.
  • Entry fields have priority over normal POST data. That is, data from the fields[] array will be used in place of identically named indexes from the POST data.
  • When using as a filter, you can pass on the ID of the entry you're creating by adding id to your list of params.
  • You can also output values directly by using key:value pairs in the der-params value.
  • Does not work with events with 'Allow multiple' filters, requires some changes to the core.
  • If you're using Rowan's Clean URL Params extension you can set the output to use clean syntax by adding the following to your form:

    <input name="der-format" type="1" />

To do

  • Make work with 'Allow multiple'
  • Change id to system:id

Version history

Symphony 2.0.3 to 2.1.x