Nils Wernernils-werner

Nils has been a Github user since 26 May 2009 and has released 9 extensions.

Extensions (9) Sort by Last updated Most popular Name

Dump DB1.12r

Dump your database into a single SQL-file

Don't Drop1.4r

Hides single item publish menu group dropdown-menus

LESS Compiler1.1e

Compile LESS-files to proper CSS

SASS Compiler1.1e

Compile SASS- and SCSS-files to proper CSS

Readonly Mode1.3r

Prevents your users from changing stuff when they really shouldn't.

Rainbow Headline1.9r

Lets you colorize your backend headlines

XSL Resource Loader0.2r

Enables attaching Resources to the page XSL

Filter: No Editing of Entries1.0u

Prevents users from editing existing entries via events

Enable Tabkey1.1u
